
Palliative Care Team

Palliative care is something that’s carried out simultaneously with cancer treatments.  It’s a common misconception that palliative (pain-reducing) care is something that begins only once conventional cancer treatments have failed.  Without addressing the pain and depression that often accompanies a battle with cancer, it’s difficult for the patient to maintain a positive attitude about their treatment.  We work to reduce the physical and psychological pain faced by a patient as well as the social implications of their situation not only when a disease has reached a terminal phase, but simultaneously with the primary treatment.  The palliative care team will work together with the patient’s primary physician to ease their discomfort and support them as they move forward with their life.

Team Members

  • A physician responsible for relieving pain, nausea, breathing difficulties and other unpleasant symptoms
  • A psychologist to address emotional or sleep-related issues
  • A pharmacist to review drug interactions, side-effects and insure ease of administration
  • Nurses who specialize in supporting cancer patients and easing discomfort during daily life
  • A nutritionist who will ensure a healthful diet that’s easy for the patient to eat
  • Therapists who will assist the patient in recovering and maintaining daily lifestyle activities
  • Medical Social Workers who provide information and advice about social insurance and services that are available

What kinds of consultations are possible?

  • Physical pain, difficulty breathing, nausea or other uncomfortable physical symptoms
  • Depression, anxiety, insomnia or other psychological discomfort
  • Consultations and advice concerning lymphedema
  • Support for family members
  • Strategies for maintaining daily life while undergoing cancer treatment
  • Information about treatment locations (post-discharge support, using PCA pumps, etc.)

How can I get a consultation with the palliative care team?

  • All hospitalized patients and their families are eligible
  • Consult with your primary physician or ward nurses. They will prepare a request form which is forwarded to our team.